We had the best afternoon with Hillary and Joe at their gorgeous engagement shoot at the Wollongong Botanic Gardens. We love shooting in the gardens because it’s always so beautiful and so different every time of year. These guys are just so beautiful together. It’s just made us even more excited for their wedding at Gunners Barracks next month!
Jesikah + Kirby were engaged but the thought of a big wedding where they found themselves in a crowded room, themselves the center of attention made these quiet natured beautiful peeps crazy anxious. Kirby had mentioned that the thought of a speech was particularly daunting to him. More and more so the idea to take a trip […]
Vanessa and Brett are two of the sweetest people you are ever going to meet. The way they love each other is just beautiful to witness. Not to mention how they adore that gorgeous furbaby of theirs! (Kiara you won me over with the first moment we met when you immediately rolled over for belly rubs, and […]
Kay contacted me months ago. She had come up with a truly brilliant plan and she wanted my help to execute it! The adventurer in me was like “OMG AMAZEBALLS”, the hopeless romantic in me was all “NAAAAAAAAAWZZZZZZ!” Kay lives in Singapore and was bringing her gorgeous girl Dag to Sydney to see P!nk in […]
They met at University many years ago whilst studying Agriculture and Matt still proclaims how lucky he was to have won the heart of the most beautiful girl at school. Wynta laughs and says she’s the lucky one. These two are excitedly waiting for March next year when they say “I Do” and after spending […]
When Anna first contacted me about her wedding day my jaw pretty much hit the ground with excitement about the amazing vintage DIY day they had planned. Meeting Ian(or Towse as he’s known to friends) and herself we fell in love with how gorgeous these two are together and how creative and quirky they both are. […]